
Invitation to convergence of Arabic opposition – Kurds in Syria

aldar xelilAldar Khalil

You can say that the Kurds and their presence in the Syrian society is an emergency, because of travesty of the facts and a lack of historical credibility. Their standing by the Syrian people in all sects in the process of independence revolution only proof of the falsity of what they said. The Kurds had role in the promotion and strengthening Syria state since the founding of the modern Syria state. But, the control of the idea of “the state” that has matured and established with «Al-Baath» takeover the power in Syria. As result of Arabization, marginalization and blur the Kurdish identity, led to deepening fissures in the social contract from which the Kurds and others linked to the Syrian central state.

With the outbreak of the Syrian revolution, not only the Kurds did not hesitate to embrace the revolution, but also participated with full energy, especially that they have a bitter experience to face the violence of “Al-Baath” and its criminality in decades like what happened in 2004 in Qamishlo. The Kurds have considered the revolution in 2011 as a real opportunity to re-participatory in Syrian life, and the revival of positive relations within Syria’s diverse range, which the chauvinism of Al-Baath destroyed their presence over the decades of its unjust rule. As they preferred the national logic and morality on the principle of switching to someone without the will. this is the case of some of the Syrian oppositions, where the Kurds refused that their areas are plotted or agreements damage to the future of the Syrian people regions. They were keen to form a broad coalition, taking into consideration the whole Syrian rights (Assyrians, Chaldeans, Kurds, Arabs, Druze, Circassians, Armenians and Turkmens). The coalition behavior was not just a platform for issuing rhetorical statements or say empty slogans, but it was a reality applied on the ground in all areas within the self-administration system in northern Syria (Kurdistan Roj-Ava).

On the other hand, other powers have failed in finding a solution for the whole Syrians of different components. As a result of failing to establish that, these forces did not stop to make all attempts to harness all the potential for destroy the projects that serve the national interest, and to build a country co-exist all Syrians in peace. Some Arab nationalists accuse the workforce under the Syrian National ceiling, including the Kurds, that they are separatists, while radicalisms  theoqrations want transform things toward religious belief, through the erosion of Kurds Islam, and launch all these racist campaigns to drop the Democratic- project which is sponsored by that Self-Administration.

Even some democrats in the leadership of the Syrian opposition which is supported by Turkey did not hesitate to export the problems of the Kurdish – Turkish conflict in Syria, as a result of Turkey support and embrace, although Turkey has not done anything towards what the authoritarian Assad regime from annihilation and destruction in Aleppo city and the others. Now, we see that this duality abhorrent  of Turkish attitude justified by some of the Syrian opposition, arguing that the Ardoganaian attitude is respect for the supremacy of the Syrian state, especially in the absence of international consensus on overthrow Al-Assad, while we have not seen the opposition talked about preventing  Turkey from entering the Syrian territories, and hit the ” Syrian Democratic Forces” that contains YPG/YPJ as a spine.

The conflict Turkish-Kurdish has historical background which has a long time before the founding of the modern Turkey state. It is wrong this conflict exported to Syria, which we need at this stage to unite all efforts and provide support to maintain that unity to eliminate terrorism and criminal regime, through the agreement on the social contract which guarantees the rights of all components in Syria.

It is true that Ardogan’s government allowed the entry of Syrian refugees, and secured the safe centers to the Syrian opposition’s (political and military), but at the same time got a huge financial grants in return, not to mention that the Arab and Western support of the Syrian opposition was passing through Turkish banks, and using of refugee sheet as financial blackmail, as well as what is currently happening with the European Union.

Despite that Ardogan’s government hosted the Syrian opposition and gave its support, but it controlled by the national Syrian decision by such flaccid opposition, concerned with spread the accusations and waste efforts. It has failed to represent and lead the Syrian revolution which has clear aims. The coalition, as a group contains various powers and opposition parties have not been able to express of the diversity of Syrian components. Despite the presence of some of the characters or some formations that claim to this representation, they actually do not have a physical presence within Syria, and thus represent only themselves.

Even troops supported by Turkey today are relevant to an Islamic jihad; it is unable to convince the world and Turkey allies in their validity of the rule. Consequently,  this is what justifies the inability of Turkey to defend its allies in the most important city of Syria “Aleppo.”

I call on all Syrian oppositions that believe in the unity of Syria and the independence of their national decision in the need to change its constitution, which focused the authorities in the central government marginalized the different Syrian components and monopolized the political life; they should be aware of the size of the current impasse, and to lay their hands to their partners in the homeland of the Kurds and the others. The regions of presence Syrian Democracy Forces are ready to host the democratic opposition to work together to preserve what is left of Syria.

It is a call for peace and harmony, is there any response!!?

Syrian Kurdish politician and a member of the executive body of “Democratic Society Movement”.

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