
“Read The Beginnings Very Well to Realize How the Endings Will Be”

Observers of the Syrian situation note that throughout the period of the Syrian crisis in which the people and the rulers did not breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that the tragedies of the crisis have become for the Syrian people of all its components who now live in the hope that the complicated crisis will be resolved, and understand the reason behind what was planned and solve the mystery that puzzled minds, where does Syria go?

The Syrian crisis has become the talk of all, becoming subject to the conspiracy of decision-makers in the decision-making centers to decide that Syria remains at the forefront of the crises and always face the storm and the Syrian people and their wealth are victims of the tyrannical regimes that have ravaged rights and freedoms, wasted wealth and wasted money, humiliated the dignity and cut the necks until the earth was filled with pure bodies.

Some still intrude on the victorious forces just emerging from the defeat of terrorism and defending the peoples and components, those whom we share borders, geography, religion and even nationalism, want to take over land, and wealth more than is permissible.

They are forgetting that the people of northern and eastern Syria thwarted all the plots and overturned the plan on the chart, and who reads the event of their victories and experience their details and circumstances find that it is closer to the imagination rather than the  reality and can serve as a novel told for generations, pulls the determination and strengthens the will and stimulate the details of the inspiration, when the will of the peoples merged and fought, and sacrificed in order to regain what was robbed after the defeat of the official establishment and its breakdown and inaction.

The most important of those who believe that the forces that broke the myth of terrorism and won the historic victory will bow to him. He does not know that their victory is a defeat for some, this was made clear by recent statements by some Syrian leaders (from the regime and from the opposition) who threatened and even labeled these forces as traitors, because they had defeated terrorism that had made gains for them.

We do not believe that those who claim patriotism with a little faith and patriotism in their hearts accept the Syrian situation. We tell them that betrayal is in exclusion and marginalization, read the beginnings very well to realize how the endings will be, power does not measure the things, and responding to the will of the peoples is inevitable today, history will write about the one who strives and works to achieve the task, the despotic regimes are doomed to annihilate, the positions remain, and history is still in place. Our forces (the Syrian Democratic Forces) will continue to hold the banner of peace because peace is a victory, the war is a defeat no matter what the bearers of its flag try to achieve.

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