
Statement regarding the Qamishlo uprising on March 12

On the twelfth of March, the sixteenth anniversary of the Qamishlo uprising passes, which came in protest against the crime of shooting the fans of the sports jihad team, as a result of which a number of Kurdish youths were killed, and it came in response to the policy of systematic repression, exclusion and denial practiced against the Kurdish people in Syria since it dominated Baath Party to rule in the country.

Instead of the responsible authorities apologizing to the families of the victims, they continued to criminalize them, and did not stop shooting at the masses of mourners, which led to an increase in the number of martyrs and seriously injured many of them.

The killings and arrests of thousands, as well as the sabotage, looting and theft of Kurdish property that some filthy people in society have committed, at the instigation of the security and military agencies. It did not diminish the determination of the Kurdish people and then expanded the area of ​​the uprising to include all cities and towns in western Kurdistan, “Rojava” and extended to Kurdish gatherings and neighborhoods in the city of Aleppo and the capital, Damascus, and all the capitals of the world in a unique scene whose counterpart in Syria’s history diminished, and our people succeeded in breaking the barrier of fear What the repressive regime had planted in the hearts of all Syrians, as the March 12 uprising is a strong foundation for the democratic revolution in Syria and an important basis for the revolution in northern and eastern Syria, which today is a qualitative example of change in Syria; just as the project of unity and cohesion of popular components is a product of the awareness that our people have shown He failed to try The strife that was practiced by the security authorities in 2004 continues and continues today.

While our party commemorates the martyrs of the uprising with respect and respect, it affirms that the regime has failed to break the resolve of our people, just as it has failed in the policy of separation between Syrian society. Today, the revolution has succeeded in embodying the project of the democratic nation, the democratic administration in which all Syrian ethnicities, including Kurds, Arabs, Syrians, Assyrians, Turkmen and Armenians, participate in combating extremist and mercenary organizations and defeating them, and it works to consolidate the foundations of Autonomy Department, and to preserve the popular gains made with the blood of thousands The martyrs.

Our party will also work with all force to provide the climate for the unification of the Kurdish political decision, and works more effectively with democratic forces to find a just solution to the Kurdish issue, and a political solution to the Syrian crisis through the Syrian-Syrian dialogue.

The regime must also contend with the mentality that existed in 2004 and until now, so that Syria is seen as being in a real test and that the stage is difficult for him to be open to dialogue with the Autonomy Department. And that the solution to the Kurdish issue is considered an important part of the general solution in Syria, and it will be the main reason for lasting stability to build a democratic, decentralized, and participatory Syria in which all have equal rights and duties on the basis of coexistence and brotherhood of the people, as one of the party’s first tasks today is to gather all the energies and capabilities for the liberation of all The areas occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries and returning the displaced and the displaced to their areas and homes.

Eternity for the martyrs of the Qamishlo uprising and the martyrs of freedom

The General Council of the Democratic Union Party (PYD)

12-3- 2020

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