
Presidency of MSD: PYD is able to undertake its partisan, struggle’s duties of the people

The co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council praised the pioneer role of the Democratic Union Party in proposing democratic solutions to solve the Syrian crisis and the Kurdish issue.

The co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council, Amina Omar, delivered a speech during the conference, congratulating the beginning of all delegates for holding the conference.

Amina Omar said: “The holding of the conference at this stage is proof that you are qualified to assume your militant and partisan responsibilities in front of your people.”

She also noted that “the Democratic Union Party was the first to propose democratic solutions that serve the territorial integrity of Syria and the solution of the Kurdish issue.”

Amina Omar added: “We are passing through a very sensitive stage, the regional and international interference in the Syrian issue is very complicated, which greatly contributed to the prolongation and deepening of the Syrian crisis.

The external forces present on the Syrian soil formulate strategies and draw paths for sharing the spheres of influence among themselves, according to their interests that may conflict with the interests of other parties on the Syrian scene.

Amina Omar noted that “in the midst of this competition and struggle between these forces, the scene is still ambiguity, and the vision is not clear, which makes it difficult to predict what will happen in the coming days.”

She also continued: “The international community has not succeeded yet, and after a decade has passed, a consensus has been reached on finding a solution to the Syrian crisis, end the suffering of the Syrian people, and the human tragedy that they are experiencing, with full awareness that the military solution cannot be solved, which will only lead to destruction and further bloodshed.

She added, “We must review the policies that were followed to address the crisis, and involve all democratic forces active in the political process, represented by the Syrian Democratic Council and Autonomous Administration. With our certainty that the solution to the Syrian crisis must be a Syrian solution developed by the national democratic forces.”

Amina Omar said at the end of her speech: “The Syrian Democratic Council, as a Syrian national democratic project, expresses the aspirations of the Syrian people in the democratic transition, and reached a comprehensive political settlement in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic, decentralized state of Syria.

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