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Political and community parties and powers congratulate the Democratic Union Party (PYD) on the occasion of its eighth conference

The Democratic Union Party PYD held its eighth conference. Today, Monday, February 22, 2020 in the Rimêlan district of Qamishlo district – Al-Jazeera region.

On this first day, dozens of leaders and heads of political parties attended, as well as hundreds of clan elders and representatives of civil, cultural, social and intellectual institutions.

During the activities of the first day and in the first half I read many words and congratulatory telegrams, and this is a bunch of words that have been read.

“The Democratic Union has taken steady and balanced steps since its foundation.”

“The difficulties that the Democratic Union Party has faced since its inception were very great, but the party managed to remain resilient to all challenges and difficulties, thanks to its members’ belief in freedom, democracy and the path of resistance, ”said Gharib Hasso, co-chair of the Democratic Society Movement, TEV-DEM.

He pointed out that the Democratic Union Party and with the beginning of the Qamishlo uprising fought a strong struggle against the Baathist policies and was able to fully understand the reality and on the basis of democratic politics and the societal democratic struggle he was able to build A popular base for the resistance was the nucleus of the revolution in Rojava and all of Syria, and the party’s will was stronger than the policies of tyranny and terrorist practices.

Gharib Hasso also mentioned in his speech: “The party was taking steady and balanced steps at every stage of its history and in every conference. The party was escalating its policy towards more development and progress in the field of democratic politics and organizing the people, and today its eighth conference is being held in the same manner that promoted resistance and struggle.

Hasso touched on the importance of dialogue between the Kurdish parties as a whole and the Syrian parties in general in building a democratic model for a future Syria.

In conclusion, Gharib Hasu blessed the eighth party congress, wishing peace and security for the Syrian people.

“The Democratic Union believes in achieving rights for all components.”

In turn, the Senate in North and East Syria blessed the convening of the eighth conference of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) held in the presence of political parties and clan elders.

Thabet Al-Jawhar delivered a speech on behalf of the Senate, in which he said: “On behalf of the components of Syria and the Senate, we bless your eighth conference.”

In his speech, Al-Jawhar clarified that the Democratic Union Party (PYD) believes in the realization of rights, and chose the project of self-management to reach a democratic Syria.

 “Contributing to strengthening the national role to save Syria from the crisis”

Member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdish Progressive Democratic Party in Syria, Abbas Mustafa, blessed the convening of the eighth conference of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), calling for strengthening the pace of bilateral relations between the two parties in order to strengthen the national role to save Syria from the crisis that is ravaging it.

Mustafa paid tribute to the members of the Eighth Congress, hoping for them to succeed in his work and come up with decisions and recommendations that contribute to opening a new and positive page in relations between the parties of the Kurdish movement to start serious and responsible work in the service of our people and our country Syria, and fold the page of intra-bilateral differences that lead to underestimating our movement at all levels .

Abbas Mustafa called the eighth conference to take steps to enhance the pace of bilateral relations between the two parties, in the interest of our Kurdish people and their political movement, as well as an effective contribution to strengthening the national role to save Syria from the crisis that ravages it, and to reach a democratic state in which the Kurds achieve their legitimate and just national rights.

 “Democratic Syria: A Decentralized Pluralism”

The Secretary of the Future Syria Party IBrahim al-Kaftan said: “We begin to congratulate the Syrian Democratic Union Party for their eighth conference.

He added: What saddens me for this word to be the spirit of the martyr Jasmine, “Hafrin Khalaf,” and the other martyrs, “Omar Alloush,” Farhad Ramadan, and all the martyrs.

And Kaftan continued in his brief speech: “From this rostrum, I invite the Syrian government to invite democratic parties to hold their conferences in Aleppo, Damascus, and Latakia, not to be confined to a specific place, and I hope this conference will have outputs that are appropriate to the Syrian people and their sacrifices, at a time when Syria has become a center of conflict International.

Ibrahim Qaftan saw at the conclusion of his speech: It is through democracy, and through the struggle of democratic parties, democracy will be achieved, and a free, democratic and decentralized Syria lived for all of its people.

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