
Paul Maskey: Öcalan must be released


The Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Ocalan said in his last meeting with his lawyer that the Kurdish and Turkish presence is linked to each other and that they must act according to this fact. Turkish Kurdish unity will open the way for peace and democracy in the Middle East.

Paul Maskey who is Member of Parliament (MP) for the Westminster constituency of Belfast West, reiterated his party’s demand that the Turkish state release jailed Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and urged the international community to step up pressure for a resumption of peace talks, ANF reported.

” The recent visits by Mr. Öcalan’s lawyers were a positive step but added his isolation “must end completely, Paul Maskey added.”

Paul Maskey also said: “Sinn Fein has called on the Turkish government to release Mr. Öcalan, who has been held since 1998. His release is seen as crucial to resolving a decades-long conflict in which thousands of people have been killed.”

The Sinn Féin MP called on the international community to support demands for a return to peace talks. “Only the establishment of a credible, inclusive conflict resolution process will resolve the political problems in Turkey and bring about a just and lasting peace for all its citizens,” he said.

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