
Egypt: Those Who Implement “Demographic Engineering” in North Syria Must be Held Accountable

During the years of the Syrian crisis, Turkey is working to make a demographic change in Syria, starting from the use of the Astana Convention, where it transferred thousands of mercenaries and their families to the areas of Afrin and Idlib after the occupation, and to try to create a so-called “safe area” as it expresses the transfer of Syrian refugees in Turkey and resettlement which has irritated many countries and parties, ANHA reported.

Yesterday, Egypt has strongly criticized the movements of states in northern Syria, calling them “demographic engineering” attempts for the region, calling for accountability of governments and parties supporting terrorism in Syria.

In a statement delivered by Egypt’s Permanent Representative to the UN Security Council on the situation in Syria on Monday, Cairo stressed “the need to stop the efforts of some parties to conduct” demographic engineering “to modify the demographic composition in northern Syria to expand its regional influence.” It seems to Turkey, which is seeking to settle 3 million refugees in northern and eastern Syria.

The statement affirmed that Egypt will continue to exert all possible efforts to help reach a sustainable political settlement that preserves Syria’s sovereignty, unity, and safety of its people and territories.

Cairo stressed the need to take serious and collective measures in the fight against terrorism and illegal armed groups in Syria, and to avoid being dragged into the allegations of changing the names of terrorist organizations to change their identity.

The statement called for taking action against the parties and governments that continue to support these terrorist organizations and provide them with political cover, while warning of the danger of these terrorists and foreign mercenaries currently extending out of Syria, which calls for the Security Council and its counter-terrorism subcommittee to assume their responsibilities towards the immediate cessation of terrorist flows from Syria to Libya and several other regions in Africa.


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