
ALEPPO- NUSRA threats and divisions between Syria Coalition.

NUSRAMedia sources emphasized that the Nusra Front the military head of Syria opposition threated to division main bloc and military who are ( Islam Sham Ahrar) and ( Syria Nation Coalition), however, another bloc which below to secular in the Islamic Coalition  motion to pullout from Syria Coalition because of they did  not issue statement to breakoff of relation with Front Nusra who below to AL Qaeda after changing his name to Fateh AL sham.

All this developments in the Syria coalition came after agreement between Russia and America to let the fighters and civilian people left Aleppo city in safe way.

 According to the newspaper Al-Hayat that the head of coalition Anas Al Abda  did not announce  in his press conference of” NUSRA” or claim platoons  FSA to withdraw from the cities albeit called implicitly to get out fighters from the city of Idlib controlled« Army Alfatah», which includes seven Islamist platoon , including« Nusra ». He pointed to the newspaper  to those who are waving to  withdraw they  are members of the public body such as Michel Kilo and Samir peaceful and immigrated tunes and winner Sarah, after Samir Sawyer announced his withdrawal yesterday. ”  The opposition platoon get suggestion from Russia-America to allow between 300-900 fighters from Nusra going from east of Aleppo to Idlib city and more than 5000 fighters to any place they want including going out civilian in safe way from east of Aleppo to stop shelling of Syria and Russia.

According to the text of the agreement, which is indicated by the daily Al-Hayat: can for civilians to leave the eastern Aleppo and go anywhere as they please; and the fighters  can also  get out of the city with their weapons, light only through one specific places (including Idlib and the Syrian border to Turkish northeast of Aleppo

The Front Nusra  elements with light arms to Idlib. In addition: After completing out fighters from the east of Aleppo, will announce the parties to the conflict under the auspices of the UN, Russia and the United States re-cessation of hostilities in Syria, and they will immediately take steps to resume dialogue between the Syrians

For its part Moscow has denied reaching a final agreement with Washington.

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