
Al-Naysah: Election Results Showed Central Role of HDP


In a statement to the website of the Democratic Union with Ghayath Al-Naysah, the general coordinator of the Revolutionary Left Movement in Syria on the results of Turkey’s election and the victory of İmamoğlu against Ben Ali Yıldırım.

The results of the Istanbul municipal elections are undoubtedly a shock and a defeat for the AKP and Erdogan personally, although Erdogan manipulated the results of the first round, which was defeated last March and forced him to re-run the elections, the difference between the two electoral processes was the largest shock.

The candidate of the opposition won the first round of the elections by 13,000 votes, while the same candidate won by 800 thousand votes, meaning that the masses of Istanbul tyrannical tyranny taught Erdogan a great lesson, especially that all attempts by Erdogan and his regime to terrorize voters and intimidation, as well as selling them promises and illusions all failed.

In conclusion, Ghayath Al-Naysah stressed that the results of these elections are an important indicator of a number of issues and their effects are great. First, the accelerated collapse of Erdogan’s party and the end of his rule. Second, the growing resentment of this royal rule, which destroyed the economy and plunged Turkey into military interventions, These elections showed the central role in the democratic movement of the Turkish Democratic Peoples Party(HDP).

Finally, these elections showed that the issue of democracy, its sustainability and its recovery depends on a just and democratic solution to the Kurdish cause, not only in Turkey but throughout the region.

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