
Central sit-in in köln  against Turkish occupation of Afrin


At the invitation of (PYD) in Germany and in cooperation with a range of social and political events and frameworks, a central German sit-in is being held in the German city of köln on Saturday (June 8th).

The sit-in committee issued a statement on the sit-in saying: “We condemn and denounce the Turkish fascist occupation and its practices which amount to the level of organized genocide against the people of the Afrin region and the whole of northern Syria, in addition to the Turkish invasion of the lands of South Kurdistan,” calling on the Kurds in Europe to participate effectively and intensively to deliver the voice of the people of Afrin and Rojava to the world.

The text of the statement is as follows:

A statement to world public opinion, free media and all advocates of freedom and democracy

Since its occupation of Afrin, the Turkish fascist has committed practices and policies against all human beings by killing and abducting the innocent of our people who reject the occupation, in addition to seizing their property after it has embarked on demographic change and construction of the separation wall without regard to international covenants and conventions before the eyes of the world.

In condemnation of the occupation of the Turkish fascist and its practices, which amount to the level of the crime of genocide organized against the people of the region of Afrin and the entire north of Syria, in addition to the Turkish invasion of the territory of South Kurdistan. Which is exposing the entire Middle East population to danger, threatening global peace and security, and fueling the conflict between the peoples’ fraternity.

We have gathered together as social and political events

1 Afrin initiative (a framework of more than 70 movements and political currents)


3 Maeresh initiative

4The Kurds of  Central Anatolia Initiative

5 Representation of South Kurdistan

6 Representation of East Kurdistan

7 Union of Religious Scholars in Mesopotamia

8 Union of Kurdish Societies

9 The Yazidi Democratic Center

10 Kurdistan Islamic Society

11 Kurdistan Women’s Union Germany

12 Revolutionary Youth Movement

13 Initiatives of (MED) NRW

In köln on Sunday, 2.6.2019

A central march was approved to inform international public opinion of the crime committed against our people and peoples of the region and put it in front of its responsibilities.

At the same time, we call on our people of Kurdistan and all the free people of the world, who are eager for democracy, justice, freedom and our friends everywhere to join the march of necessity, as a national, humanitarian and moral duty which will begin at 11 am on Saturday, 8.6.2019 and at the following address:


  1. Köln

Organizing Committee for the march and the protest


On Sunday, 2.6.2019


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